To request to speak in the Board of Health meeting, please complete this online form or email the Public Information Officer at at least one day (24 hours) prior to the date of the Board of Health meeting.
Include in the subject: BOH Request and in the email include the following information:
- Date of the Meeting
- Name of the Speaker
- Contact Information (Phone/Email/Address)
- Organization if applicable
- Subject matter the speaker will address
Please note the following:
- Meetings of the Winnebago County Health Department are subject to the Open Meeting Act and are recorded.
- Speakers cannot address personnel matters or pending litigation involving Winnebago County or the Winnebago County Health Department.
- Comments are limited to 3 minutes.
- Personal attacks or inappropriate language of any sort will not be tolerated.
- A maximum of five speakers will be allowed per meeting on a first come basis
- An individual may speak a maximum of 3 times per calendar year on the same topic. This prohibition shall include the repetition of the same topic in a statement on what is purported to be a different topic.
- Documents submitted by the speaker will be reported at the next regularly scheduled Board of Health meeting
- Requests to participate are to be submitted to the Public Information Officer one day prior (24 hours) to the meeting date at a minimum.