The Winnebago County Health Department is working to improve Maternal and Child Health in our community. While teen births have declined from 2017 (4.4%) to 2010 (1.3%), other issues continue to contribute to health disparities that result in infant and maternal deaths. The average infant mortality rate in Winnebago County increased at a time when the overall rates for the State of Illinois declined. In Winnebago County, there are significant disparities by race in the infant and maternal mortality rates.
Maternal, Infant, Child Health Team
The Winnebago County Health Department is a part of the Maternal, Infant, and Child Team, a collaboration of partners working toward keeping all moms and babies alive in Winnebago County and addressing the health disparities in maternal and infant death rates.
One way this team is working to address the maternal and infant health outcomes is by linking families to community resources, empowering families, and discussing potential community solutions. The Maternal, Infant, and Child Team host monthly PODcasts on the 4th Thursday of every month (2nd Thursday in November and December) to bring families, providers, and community partners together. These Keeping Moms and Babies Alive PODcasts are held via Zoom and livestreamed to Facebook Live. The public can join the conversation by joinging the zoom meeting or submitting questions to be asked during the meeting. Topics will be posted here.
Keeping Moms and Babies Alive PODcasts
- Podcasts are held at 12:30pm on the 4th Thursday of every month except in November and December when they are on the 2nd Thursday of the month.
Topics for the Podcasts have included:
- Having a Baby
- Feeding a Baby
- It Takes a Village, Support in Parenting
- Healthy Homes
- Ask the Doc, About Your Child’s Health
- Calling All Dads
- Childcare: Resources, Referrals, & Solutions
Watch the Podcasts:
- Live on Facebook @KeepingMomsAndBabiesAlive
- Live on Zoom at 12:30pm Here.
- After on WCHD’s YouTube channel here or on Facebook
Find out more about the Maternal, Infant, and Child Team on Facebook @KeepingMomsAndBabiesAlive
Hear Her Campaign & Urgent Maternal Warning Signs
While serious pregnancy-related complications and deaths can occur, many can be prevented by recognizing warning signs and encouraging women to get help early. If you are pregnant or know someone who is pregnant, learn the Urgent Maternal Warning Signs.
It’s important for those around pregnant women to listen to them when they express concerns. The Center’s For Disease Control Hear Her campaign encourages us all to know the Urgent Maternal Warning Signs and help those who are pregnant get the care and support they need to stay healthy. Click here to learn more.