The Winnebago County Health Department (WCHD) serves a unique urban, suburban, and rural population of approximately 284,00 across 519 square miles in Winnebago County, Illinois. WCHD is a unit of Winnebago County government established under Chapter 111 1/2 Section 20C governed by a 12-member Board of Health. WCHD is led by the Public Health Administrator, Dr. Sandra Martell toward achieving the mission of healthy people in a healthy community that promotes health equity. Under the direction of the Public Health Administrator, the department develops policy, provides services, issues guidance, and works on initiatives including the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP). Through the Community Health Assessment (CHA) process conducted every 3 to 5 years, the community provides input to establish the health priorities of the CHIP.
The Winnebago County Health Department is organized around five (5) centers that provide direct services to the community to in alignment with the Strategic Plan and CHIP. Each Center delivers multiple programs mostly grant funded through grants. There are five (5) areas of support that provide direct assistance to the Centers and work toward the strategic goals of the department. Each Center and Support Service is lead by a director. The leadership team is comprised of the directors which work collaboratively with the Public Health Administrator.
Dr. Sandra Martell, RN, DNP
Public Health Administrator
Dr. Martell has over 30 years of experience working in public health starting her career as a public health nurse. She leads the department of approximately 100 staff toward protecting the health of the community and improving health outcomes for all who live and work in Winnebago County, ensuring all residents have the opportunity to achieve their best health. As the Chief Health Strategist for the County, Dr. Martell coordinates cross agency collaboration on issues of public health concern including improving maternal and infant health outcomes, the response to opioid overdose, and working toward becoming a trauma informed community.
Environmental Health Improvement (EHI)
Provides inspection, permitting, and education on health and safety around food, housing, wells, septic systems, water, and businesses that could impact the public’s health such as body art establishments, waste haulers, hotel/motels, and lead abatement contractors. Click here for more information about Environmental Health Improvement
Health Protection (HP)
Monitors for and reports on health concerns for the community including sexually transmitted disease, vaccine preventable disease, respiratory viruses, and emergency disease and conditions like COVID-19, Ebola, MPV, and other reportable communicable diseases. Provides access to services for those living with HIV. Click here for more information about Health Protection
Public Health Emergency Preparedness
Plans for and responds to public health concerns coordinating the organization of the WCHD and resources and external community partners to protect the public’s health and mitigate potential negative impacts. Click here for more information about Public Health Emergency Preparedness
Health Promotion and Wellness (HPW)
Provides community outreach to guide the community in their journey to better health and prevent poor health habits such as smoking. Provides the supplemental nutrition and breastfeeding support program, WIC. Click here for more information about Health Promotion and Wellness
Personal Health Services (PHS)/Public Health Nursing
Provides clinical care for family planning, sexually transmitted diseases, TB treatment, and refugee assessments. Provides case management, home visiting, and support services for pregnant women and high-risk infants. Click here for more information about Personal Health Services/Public Health Nursing
Support Services
Strategic Initiatives
About This Support Service:
Ensures that WCHD develops actions and strategies to implement the Strategic Plan. Coordinates collaboration across workgroups. Leads Board of Health in review and refresh of the Strategic Plan to ensure relevancy. All staff participate in a Strategic Plan workgroup to mobilize efforts to achieve the vision of “healthy people in a healthy community that promotes health equity.” Click here to learn more about Strategic Initiatives
Quality & Data
About This Support Service:
Collects and analyzes data on public health concerns. Determines community baselines and monitors of data to identify public health concerns. Interprets and communicates public health data. Supports continuous quality improvement through leading center level improvement initiates with directors. Serves as the Public Health Accreditation Coordinator. Click to learn more about Quality & Data
About This Support Service:
Supports WCHD grant applications, budgeting, and financial reporting to funding entities including Winnebago County. Ensures the fiscal solvency of the organization through billing, collection and, and reimbursement functions. Responds to fiscal audits and ensures integrity and compliance of financial data. Produces monthly for the Board of Health on revenues and expenditures, fund balance, change in fund balance, public health emergency reserve, and other fiscal issues for WCHD.
About This Support Service:
Promotes individual and population health by reviewing, developing, and aligning policies to support public health actions and the strategic plan of the Winnebago County Health Department. Coordinates with the Winnebago County States Attorney to advance and implement policies necessary to bolster public health initiatives internally and externally.
Communications & Public Information
About This Support Service:
Communicates with the public and community partners through a variety of platforms including website, social media, information campaigns, advertisements on buses and billboards, news conferences. Serves as the point of contact for media inquiries.