igrow Rockford is an evidence-based, early childhood home visiting program that provides a wide range of services to prenatal, pregnant women, and parenting families of children up to age three. Families are connected to home visiting services that assist with kindergarten readiness, while developing strong healthy families and relationships.
Winnebago County Health Department serves as the central point-of-entry for home visiting programs. These programs are provided by multiples organization throughout the community including Children Home + Aid (Doula), City of Rockford Early Head Start Program, Easterseals, Harlem School District 122 Donald Parker Early Childhood Center, Rockford Public School District 205 Early Childhood Program, and YWCA – LaVoz Latina .
Click here to get connected to igrow home visiting programs.
Families are paired with home visitors based on the family’s needs and program eligibility guidelines. Home visitors work with parents on practical parenting skills as well as family bonding during pregnancy and as children grow up.  Home visitors provide parenting tips that match the child’s needs.
Home Visiting Organizations
To join the collaboration of home visitors, email WCHD at contactus@wchd.org and ask to be put in touch with the igrow coordinator. igrow partners meet monthly to discuss how to best coordinate services for Winnebago County families.
Healthcare Providers and Community Organizations
To refer a family to igrow services, click here.