A Nationally Accredited Health Department Since 2017

image of an anthropomorphic strong heart

February Is American Heart Month

Focusing on your heart health has never been more important.

  • Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. But you can do a lot to protect your heart. Click here to learn more about heart-healthy living.
  • Prioritizing your heart can help you avoid severe illness. People with poor cardiovascular health are also at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19. Click here to learn how COVID-19 affects your heart.
  • Self-care is heart-health care. Practicing self-care can keep our hearts healthy. Being physically active, eating healthier foods, getting enough sleep, not smoking, and finding healthy ways to reduce stress can help prevent heart disease. And, when we take care of our hearts, we set an example for those around us to do the same.
  • Get to know #OurHearts! Learn what a healthy blood pressure, cholesterol, weight, and blood sugar level is for you and how they impact your risk for heart disease. Having a basic understanding of information that concerns your health and using the information to inform health-related decisions and actions for yourself and others, is strongly linked to better health.

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