A Nationally Accredited Health Department Since 2017

Maternal And Child Health

A Health Priority

Maternal and child health is about the physical, mental, emotional, and social health of women of childbearing age and children (0-17 years).

Access to appropriate healthcare, proper nutrition, social factors, and trauma, all play a role in healthy pregnancy outcomes and children achieving their full potential.

Our community can help improve maternal and child health outcomes by making appropriate referrals, ensuring access to care and support services, and advocating for patients rights to safe and respectful healthcare.

Together We Can...

Arrow Pointed Down

Decrease The Infant Death Rate

Arrow Pointed Down

Decrease Maternal Death Risk

Baby scale

Lower The Number of Low
Birth Weight babies

WCHD Is...


Hear her concerns.
Respectful & Safe Care is a right. Help Keep all moms and babies alive

Encouraging Safe & Respectful Care

Improving Access

Pregnant Patient with Clinic Staff

Connecting Residents To Prenatal Care


Connecting Families To Resources

Progress Made...


  • WCHD is the coordinated intake agencies for home visiting for children ages 0 – 3 and their families. Home visiting programs include prenatal/ pregnancy visits in addition to visits for the families after babies have arrived.
  • A Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Team meets monthly 
  • WCHD’s Better Birth Outcomes program provides one-on-one support through monthly visits with a registered nurse to assure mother and baby are healthy. Through this program, WCHD is able to coordinate care with doctors and other social service agencies for the families, provide prenatal health and nutrition educations, and provide guidance on identifying and correctly possible safety hazards in the home.
  • Secure and Responsible Gun Storage messaging including a checklist has been developed and distributed along with free gun locks in the community