A Nationally Accredited Health Department Since 2017

Violence Prevention

A Health Priority

Violence is an act of force that causes or is intended to cause harm. Violence can cause harm that is physical, psychological, or both. When people are exposed to violence, they may develop and struggle with long-term physical, behavioral, and/or mental health concerns.

Different types of violence are connected and often share a common cause: 

                   Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) which are potentially traumatic events that occur in childhood (0-17 years).

TRAUMA caused by ACEs may contribute to future violent behavior and increase a person’s risk of becoming a victim of violence. Our community can address ACES (Trauma), build resiliency, and prevent violence by creating and sustaining safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments for all children and families.

Together We Can...

Arrow Pointed Down

Decrease The Homicide Rate

Arrow Pointed Down

Decrease Firearm Deaths

Children Playing

Lower The Number of Children
Exposed To Violence

WCHD Is...

Progress Made...


  • Developed a standardized Trauma 101 training that is now available for free to the community and organizations
  • Brought partners together to start a Violence Reduction Workgroup that is ongoing with monthly meetings
  • Lead community partners toward building a Trauma Informed Community
  • Provided free advanced trauma trainings to the community 
  • Developed and distributed secure and responsible gun storage messages including a checklist 
  • Distributed free gun locks in the community