Click here for the list of reportable diseases and conditions in Illinois. The Winnebago County Health Department depends on these disease reports to help protect the public’s health and to help provide guidance to those impacted by the disease or condition.
Immediately reportable disease must be reported as soon as possible and no longer than 3 hours. Some diseases or conditions are notifiable within 24 hours. All other reportable diseases and conditions must be reported within 7 days.
To report a disease or condition, call the Winnebago County Health Department at 815-720-4050.
Disease reporting is an essential component in keeping our community healthy. Reports can be completed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling (815)720-4050. Disease reports may also be faxed to our confidential fax line at (815) 962-5161.
Health Alerts
The Winnebago County Health Department works to protect the health of all Winnebago County residents and visitors. WCHD monitors for public health concerns through surveillance and investigation. Health Alert are the way WCHD notifies our healthcare community and partners of time-sensitive public health concerns.
Health Alerts posted to this page are written for healthcare providers and not intended to be for the general public.
Click here for the list of current health concerns in Winnebago County and individual pages with information on prevention, interventions, vaccination, and treatment regarding those concerns.
Data & Reports
WCHD monitors and reports on a disease and conditions that could impact the public’s health. Click here to view the data & charts page for information on current surveillance and trends.
The Winnebago County Health Department can help to support residents in many ways. Link you patients to appropriate services to help improve their health.